When is liver transplant prescribed?

The surgery for a liver transplant is one of the most difficult procedures in the field of transplantology. It is prescribed for patients for treatment of such diseases:

  • cirrhosis;
  • hepatic insufficiency (sometimes as a result of severe intoxication);
  • congenital pathologies of the liver and bile ducts;
  • oncological diseases;
  • diseases caused metabolic disorders.

The necessity to conduct an operation can be made by a hepatologist and transplantologist by a comprehensive medical examination. They also take into account such factors as the ability of a person to survive an operation and the rehabilitation period.

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Is liver transplant performed for children?

Children undergo liver transplantation from a living related donor in most of the cases. Specialists take the lateral part of the left lobe of the adult's liver because it is the most suitable to a child's body by the location of the vessels.

The age of the child for liver transplantation is not particularly important. Foreign specialists perform transplants even to infants from 6 months.

Is liver transplant indicated in case of cancer?

The liver transplant is possible only at the early stages of cancer. If an oncological disease spreads to the neighboring organs, transplantation is ineffective. The operation can give good results if a patient has only cancer without accompanying diseases (i.g. cirrhosis).

Is liver transplant possible in case of hepatitis?

Hepatitis is not one of the main indications for liver transplantation, as in most cases, the implant can be infected. Specialists can prescribe surgery if a patient has indications. In this case, it is necessary to take antiviral drugs before and after a liver transplant to reduce the risk of re-development of the disease.

Who can become a donor for a liver transplant?

Doctors perform a liver transplant from a deceased or living donor. The best success indicators are noted in patients who underwent transplantation from a related donor.

The main requirements for a liver donor are::

  • age: from 18 to 50 years;
  • an absence of chronic diseases (especially diabetes and hypertension);
  • body mass index less than 30;
  • the ability to save more than 30% of the liver.

A donor should undergo a comprehensive medical examination, during which the compatibility of tissues with the recipient. The examination also determines whether a donor’s organ complies with the medical requirements.

A deceased donor can be a person who has a brain death registered, but the rest of the body systems continue to function normally.

What happens to the donor after a liver transplant?

Since the human liver can regenerate, a donor’s organ completely restores to its original size for a few weeks. The next few months, it is necessary to follow the diet and take medication prescribed by doctors. In 3 months after the operation, a donor returns to a normal life.

The risk of developing serious complications in the donor after a liver transplant operation is less than 12%.

What to do if I do not have a donor for surgery?

If a patient does not have a relative who can become a liver donor, it is possible to receive an organ using a waiting list. However, this possibility is limited by the legal system of the country where a patient wants to do surgery.

In most of the clinics, the liver transplant is allowed only from a relative or a marriage partner.

How to get on the queue for a liver transplant?

A person who needs a liver transplant can be included to a waiting list only after a complete medical examination. A diagnostic detects:

  • final diagnosis and whether surgery is urgent;
  • a patient’s physical and psychological readiness for transplantation;
  • risk estimation of postoperative complications.

According to these result, doctors determine a patient’s priority ranking for transplantation. They also take into account a blood group, sizes of a body, indexes of a final stage of liver disease (MELD)

Since a moment when a patient gets to a waiting list, (s)he has to stay in touch and be ready to arrive at a hospital for surgery at any moment.

How is liver transplant surgery performed?

The liver transplant surgery lasts 8-12 hours. Specialists prepare the liver of a deceased donor for a surgery using special medications. If a donor is living, doctors take only a part of an organ.

What happens after surgery?

Just after a liver transplant, a patient stays in an intensive care ward. (S)he is under medical control for 3 days. If there are no complications, doctors remove stitches in 20 days. Then a patient can recover at home. The following half of year, patient regularly visits a doctor.

After a liver transplant, a patient needs to adhere to all the medical advice:

  • strict dietary regime;
  • the taking of prescribed medications;
  • regular examinations;
  • a complete refusal from bad habits.

Where is possible to do a liver transplant?

The leading positions for liver transplant in the world take India. The best world transplant specialists work in Indian hospitals, e.g., Dr. Mohamed Rela who has conducted over 3,000 successful transplants. The cost for liver transplant in India is one of the lowest - from 37,000 USD.

It is worth noting that liver transplant in India, Turkey, Germany, and Israel is allowed only from related donors or marriage partner.

How to get for a liver transplant in the other country?

Bookimed Doctors-Coordinators help to choose the best hospital for the liver transplant. We assist patients during all the stages of the medical trip: from preparation of the documents to the coming back home from treatment. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact Bookimed specialist.

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