The old proverb says: "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." The average cost of diagnostics is starting from $1,000 versus $100,000 for treatment. Screening tests detect diseases before the symptoms first signs. Specialists recommend undergoing the complete diagnostics of the body to make sure that everything is alright or to prevent the disease development. The comprehensive examination of the body lasts 3 days.

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Timely diagnostics can save thousands of dollars, in case of carrying out by a qualified specialist and using modern equipment. Check-up diagnostics can prevent the most common diseases. What are they?

Breast cancer

The main diagnostics method of breast cancer is mammography. The earlier cancer is detected, the higher chances of recovery. It is important to recognize breast cancer before it spreads to the lymph nodes, the lungs, and the brain.

Regular check-up (every 1-3 years) is necessary for 20-30-aged women. Doctors recommend undergoing mammography once a year for women of 40 and 50. Mammography is a breast examination providing with a small dose of X-rays. Mammography helps to find out breast lumps, which are not visible to the specialist.

Cervical cancer

A Pap test is a cytological smear, which helps to prevent cervical cancer. Providing a Pap smear specialists detect early cancer or abnormal cervical cells and remove them before they become malignant. Cervical cancer causes human papillomavirus infection (HPV). A first Papanicolaou test is necessary to take in 21 years old. After the first procedure, women should take the smear every 3 years. 30-years-old women should do the Pap and HPV tests every 5 years. It is also essential to make tests for chlamydia and gonorrhea every year.


Osteoporosis makes the human bones brittle and weak. Women after 35 years of age face the bone loss. Due to the menopause, this process is only accelerated. Osteoporosis reduces the calcium level in the body. The bones become so brittle that any fall may provoke a fracture. Fortunately, the cutting-edge equipment help to prevent and treat the osteoporosis.

Orthopedists use 3D-DXA, a unique dual X-ray absorptiometry, which helps to detect osteoporosis at the early stages and help to prevent risks of the disease in the future. Specialists provide this screening for women after 50 years of age. If you know about the presence of risk factors in your family's history, you must undergo diagnostics before this period.

Skin cancer

Watch for changes in your skin, especially birthmarks and freckles. Pay attention to changes in shape, color, and size. You should regularly undergo a dermatologist examination to make sure that you’re okay or to prevent skin diseases.

High blood pressure

Overweight or bad habits are usually the most common reasons for high blood pressure, which may cause heart attacks and strokes. Taking under control, your heart pressure can save your life.

Cholesterol level

High cholesterol can lead to atherosclerotic disease, heart attack or stroke. The condition is often overlooked because for many years it can be asymptomatic. High blood pressure, diabetes and smoking increase cholesterol level. To check the level of cholesterol, you must keep the diet for 12 hours. After that, a doctor will perform a blood test, which will show the level of LDL (bad) cholesterol, HDL (good) cholesterol and triglycerides (fat level in the blood). Women over 20 years old pass cholesterol test at least once in every 5 years.

Type 2 diabetes mellitus

Many people do not even suspect that they have diabetes. Diabetes is dangerous because of the complications that it causes (a diabetic, hypoglycemic coma (early complications), hair and teeth loss, damage to the eye retina and the heart vessels). You can manage diabetes through diet and exercises.

The initial examination will help to avoid dangerous consequences. Diagnostics include a blood test (to determine the level of glucose), A1C test and an oral glucose tolerance test. If you are healthy and do not belong to the risk group, you need to undergo a survey every 3 years after 45 years of age.

The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)

The only way to detect HIV is a blood test. Everyone should be tested at least once a year, starting at 13 years old.

Colorectal cancer

Colorectal cancer is one of the most widespread diseases in the world. Polyps cause cancer of the colon. They are malignant and benign. Removal of polyps before they become cancerous saves the lives of many patients.

Colonoscopy is a general screening test for colorectal cancer detecting. Sigmoidoscopy is another type of colorectal cancer diagnostics.


Glaucoma is associated with increased pressure inside the eye, which damages the optic nerve and causes blindness. Many patients do not notice the symptoms of glaucoma until the damaging of vision.

The frequency of eyes examination depends on the age and risk factors (eye injuries, use of steroids, family history of glaucoma). People without the risk factors or symptoms of eye disease should undergo the necessary eye examinations starting at the age of 40.

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