American magazine Sciencemag published information about the invention of a unique medication for hepatitis C. Scientists from the US and China have developed a drug that not only destroys the virus itself but also neutralizes traces of its presence in human organs. Moreover, a new drug has an urgent effect - in three weeks after administration.

Moreover, a new drug has an urgent effect - in three weeks after administration. Medication is a result of a crossing of several anti-hepatitis drugs, the main function of which is the purification of the human body. American scientists together with their Chinese colleagues combined ledipasvir sofosbuvir which inhibits the work of viral RNA polymerase.

The composition also included simeprevir, or asunaprevir - the inhibitors of the viral protease.

George Lau, a representative of Liver Health Center in China, claims that the effect was achieved through the creation of a substance that simultaneously attacks all the components of the virus in the liver.

Сегодня новое лекарство проходит этап тестирования: оно уже было испробовано на восемнадцати добровольцах, все из которых были, в результате, вылечены в течении трех-двенадцати недель. Побочные эффекты были минимальными.

Today, a new drug is tested: it has already been tested on eighteen volunteers, and all of them were cured for three to twelve weeks. Side effects were minimal.

After the finishing of clinical trials, support of pharmaceutical companies is required. They will spread a drug and make it available for 150 mln of people suffering from hepatitis C.

At this time, treatment of hepatitis C in Europe will approximately 80,000 EUR. The only affordable alternative medicine is in India: only 5,000. Moreover, the treatment in India is performed with the generic drug of the latest generation - sofosbuvir. Patients with hepatitis C choose Indian Manipal Hospitals network, which is accredited by JCI. It is the main international accreditation in the field of medicine.