Brazilian Butt Lift Clinics and Costs in Turkey

Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) is a popular cosmetic procedure that involves the transfer of fat to help create more fullness in your backside. It can improve the size and shape of the buttocks without implants. Excess fat is removed from the hips, abdomen, lower back, or thighs with liposuction, and a portion of this fat is then strategically injected into the buttocks.

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Updated: 5/31/2024

How Much Does Brazilian Butt Lift Cost in Turkey? Find Out Now

The average cost of Brazilian Butt lift in Turkey ranges from 4000$ to 6742$. The offers include consultation with a doctor, preoperative tests, medications, general anesthesia, follow-up examination, Brazilian Butt Lift, consultation with a plastic surgeon, consultation with an anesthesiologist, consumable materials, follow-up visit, hospitalization + afterward hotel stay, transfer airport-clinic-airport, VIP transfer, liposuction.
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FAQ about Brazilian Butt Lift in Turkey

What is a Brazilian butt lift?

A Brazilian butt lift, also known as Gluteoplasty, is a type of aesthetic surgery designed to enhance the size and shape of a person's buttocks. It involves removing fat from certain areas of the body like the thighs or abdomen via liposuction and then injecting it into the buttocks. This procedure is popular among those who desire a more rounded and fuller buttock appearance.

Why do people go to Turkey/Istanbul for a Brazilian butt lift?

Many people choose to have their Brazilian Butt Augmentation in Turkey, particularly in Istanbul, due to several reasons:

  • Highly experienced and internationally accredited surgeons
  • Affordable prices compared to many Western countries
  • High-quality healthcare services and modern medical facilities
  • Package deals that often include hotel accommodation, transfers, and aftercare

What methods are used in a Brazilian Butt Augmentation?

There are several methods used in a Brazilian Butt Augmentation, which include:

  • Fat Transfer (BBL Surgery): This is the most common technique where the surgeon removes fat from other parts of the body and injects it into the buttocks.
  • Buttock Implants: Silicone implants are surgically placed into the buttocks for those who don't have enough body fat for a fat transfer.
  • Buttock Lift: Known as Buttock Reshaping Surgery, this technique involves removing excess skin and fat from the buttocks to lift and tighten the area.

How do you get ready for a Brazilian Buttock Lift?

Preparation for a Brazilian Buttock Lift involves several steps:

  • Maintaining a healthy diet and regular exercise routine
  • Quitting smoking at least two weeks before the surgery
  • Avoiding certain medications that can increase bleeding risk
  • Having a preoperative consultation with your surgeon to discuss your goals and expectations

What care is needed after a Brazilian Butt Augmentation?

After a Brazilian Butt Augmentation, patients need to follow a few care instructions:

  • Avoid sitting directly on your buttocks for at least two weeks after surgery
  • Wear a special compression garment to reduce swelling and support healing
  • Maintain a healthy diet to support recovery
  • Avoid strenuous activity until cleared by your surgeon

What are the possible risks with a Butt Enhancement Surgery?

As with any surgery, Butt Enhancement Surgery carries some risks:

  • Bleeding and infection
  • Unfavorable scarring
  • Changes in skin sensation
  • Poor wound healing
  • Fluid accumulation (seroma)
  • Unsatisfactory aesthetic result

Are there different methods for Gluteoplasty? How do they compare?

Yes, as discussed before, there are three main methods for Gluteoplasty: Fat Transfer, Buttock Implants, and Buttock Lift. The choice depends on the patient's body type, personal goals, and surgeon's recommendations.

Who should consider a Brazilian Butt Augmentation?

Those who are dissatisfied with the size or shape of their buttocks, have a saggy buttock due to aging or weight loss, or want to improve their body contour might consider a Brazilian Butt Augmentation.

When is a good time to get a Buttock Reshaping Surgery?

It's best to undergo a Buttock Reshaping Surgery when you're at a stable weight, in good health, and have realistic expectations about the outcome.

Do clinics offer a check-up before a Brazilian butt lift?

Yes, clinics typically offer a preoperative check-up, including consultation with the surgeon and anesthesiologist, and various tests to ensure the patient is fit for the procedure.

What's included in the Brazilian butt lift package in Turkey?

Based on the provided offers, the Brazilian butt lift package in Turkey includes:

  • Consultations with a plastic surgeon and anesthesiologist
  • Preoperative tests
  • General anesthesia
  • Post-operative garments
  • Medications
  • Follow-up examination and visit
  • Hospitalization and afterward hotel stay
  • Transfer airport-clinic-airport

What other treatments do clinics in Turkey offer besides a Brazilian butt lift?

Many clinics in Turkey offer a wide range of cosmetic procedures besides a Brazilian butt lift, such as liposuction, tummy tuck, breast augmentation, rhinoplasty, and more.

What qualifications should the surgeon have?

A good surgeon for a Brazilian butt lift should have:

  • Medical degree and board certification in plastic surgery
  • Specialized training in cosmetic surgery
  • Experience in performing Brazilian butt lift
  • Good track record with previous patients

What awards should a good clinic have?

A reputable clinic should have recognitions such as:

  • Accreditation from international healthcare organizations
  • Awards for quality and patient safety
  • Recognition or awards for clinical excellence