Oncological diseases are dangerous for their ability to infect the entire body. For instance, intestinal carcinoma is not an exception. Its metastases can spread to the lymph nodes, bones, lungs and other organs. The most often metastases affect the liver. Secondary foci of cancer in the liver require serious treatment, up to the removal of part of the organ or its transplantation. However, doctors cannot prescribe such radical measures to anyone. The methods of chemotherapy or remote irradiation for this disease are ineffective.

In case of the inoperable cases, metastatic liver cancer is treated with SIRT therapy in Israel. SIRT therapy is local irradiation with the isotope which is directly delivered to an affected area of the liver. Doctors install a catheter into the artery through which radioactive yttrium 90 get into the bloodstream. Together with circulation of blood, the capsules get into the vessels which provide a tumor and block them. SIRT-isotopes also destroy cancer cells with beta-irradiation without affecting healthy tissues. Side effects caused by this procedure are minimal.

Leading oncologists Prof. Ilan Ron (Sourasky Medical Center, Israel) considers SIRT-therapy as one of the most perspective direction in the treatment of primary and secondary cancer in a case when a tumor is not operable.

SIRT-therapy may cause such side effects as general weakness nausea. In some clinics, doctors use light sedation to reduce side effects. Still, SIRT-therapy is considered as one of the safest treatment options against cancer.

Intravenous radiation therapy of liver cancer has proved its effectiveness against inoperable tumors. Life expectancy after SIRT-therapy increases to 10 months with chemotherapy - 3 months) at the 4th stage.