In 1981 first AIDS-cases were registered, and in 2014 World Health Organization informed about 36.9 mln HIV-positive people. And each year this amount is getting higher.

Israel against AIDS

First cases of AIDS in Israel were registered in early 80th. Specialists connect them with the massive migration from Ethiopia. Israeli government realized a danger of a new virus. A lot of money was given for fight with AIDS. Except for the scientific research, educational programs for HIV-prevention were implemented.

Nowadays, Israeli clinics develop innovative treatment options against HIV. Still, there are no drugs against this disease, but doctors in Israel conduct therapies which stop its development. An HIV-patient tries to overcome the immunity system disorders, accompanying infections, possible malignant neoplasms.

Treatment of HIV-AIDS in Israel: a multidisciplinary approach and antiviral drugs

Treatment of HIV-AIDS in Israeli hospitals starts with diagnostics.The establishment of diagnosis here lasts up to 48 hours. In 90th, treatment using antiviral drug AZD started. Later, doctors started to apply Didazonin and DDC drugs.

The following examinations in this field gave the results so that specialists could increase the quality of patient’s life and resistance of an organism.

A multidisciplinary approach plays an important role in treatment in Israel. It means that a team of specialists develop a treatment plan according to features of patient’s organism.